This full-color (QuickDraw 32) PICT file contains a map of the Escape Velocity galaxy.
Star system symbols (usually just a colored circle) show the controlling government.
Star system names include the names of the objects in the system, in order (e.g., in the Propus system, New Scotland is listed second so type 2 to select it for landing or hailing).
Names of objects are grayed out if you can’t land on them. Note that there are objects without facilities on which you can land; these still have names in black.
Star system coordinates were taken from the EV Data 1.0.2 file and the background is white for printing.
How to print (important!)
The map uses only the Helvetica font but goes down to 6 point, so it doesn’t look good on screen. You should print it on a printer with at least 300 dpi resolution (I assume no one still uses ImageWriter IIs). Color printing is very helpful, especially to distinguish the Confederation systems from the Rebel systems.
To print the map on one letter-size page, set the Page Setup… to Landscape mode (sideways) and the reduction to about 75%.
Mail your comments, suggestions, and any observed errors to me at And don’t forget to pay your shareware fees for Escape Velocity (and other high-quality shareware, for that matter).